A Fairer Launch

Fairlaunch Pad
1 min readNov 25, 2021

Dear fairlaunch hunters,

We spent hours reviewing how to make our launch much fairer and after much thoughts, we are pleased to announce that the holding requirements for the launches have been drastically reduced.

New Plans:
Free Plan:
You get to participate in fairlauch events using the actual countdown.

Basic Plan
Requirement: Hold at least 4,000,000 FLT

Benefit: Upon connection, 3 minutes is deducted from the launch countdown for you, this means you have the launch details 3 minutes before the public

Premium: Hold at least 40,000,000 FLT

Benefits: (1) Upon connection, 3 minutes is deducted from the launch countdown for you, this means you have the launch details 3 minutes before the public.
(2) Free Airdrop: An amount from the launched token’s supply would be distributed to you 3–5 days after launch

Fairlaunch Pad Team.


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Fairlaunch Pad reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.



Fairlaunch Pad

The FairLaunch Pad is the first Fairlaunch platform that makes easy 5x — 100x achievable in a secure way to fair launch hunters. Visit https://fairlaunchpad.net